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en:fault-codes [2025/01/24 22:15]
en:fault-codes [2025/01/24 22:16] (current)
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 A diagnostic system for reading out the fault memory is part of the basic equipment of a workshop for current vehicles. It is also useful for private individuals to avoid unnecessary repairs. A diagnostic system for reading out the fault memory is part of the basic equipment of a workshop for current vehicles. It is also useful for private individuals to avoid unnecessary repairs.
-Example on an engine control unit and the diagnostic software VCDS with manufacturer-specific [[diagnosis]]:+Example on an engine control unit and the diagnostic software VCDS with manufacturer-specific [[OBD]]:
 {{:vcds_ecu_fault_scan_ger.jpg?200|}} {{:vcds_ecu_fault_scan_ger.jpg?200|}}
en/fault-codes.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/24 22:16 by obd_diagnose

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